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How to play Starstruck?

The game objects must be launched over a fence separating the red and blue zones, and their value depends on where they land. Each half of the arena is further divided into near and far zones, and objects scored in the far zone are worth twice their respective score in the near zone.


The only other means of accumulating points is by hanging from a fixed pole in the corner of the arena. There are two components to every match: autonomous and driver control.


The game begins with a 15-second autonomous period, where each robot begins a pre-programmed course in an attempt to score as many points as possible.


Once the autonomous winner has been determined, the driver control period begins. It lasts for one minute and 45 seconds, and involves one or two drivers from each team controlling the robots live: throwing stars and cubes as well as attempting to hang.

Click below to watch VEX's Starstruck Video

VEX EDR 2016-2017


Starstruck is this year's VEX EDR game! It features a red and blue alliance, each composed of two teams playing on a 12 by 12 foot arena. Each alliance controls their own half of the arena, aiming to score the game objects - stars and cubes - into the opposing alliance’s zone.

©2017 by Ten Ton Robotics

Proudly created with

Created by team 1010W

Last edited: April 20th, 2017

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